• 36A Postępu st.

    05-552 Magdalenka, Poland

  • sekretariat@igbzpan.pl

    tel. +48 22 736-70-00
    fax +48 22 756-16-99

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    Institute of Genetics and Animal Biotechnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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    INPEX 2016
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    Brussels Innova

Zakład Doskonalenia Zwierząt i Nutrigenomiki

Plans for the future

  1. Improvement of the nutritive value and health promoting properties (including nutrigenomics aspects) of food of animal origin obtained in sustainable production systems with consideration of animal health and environment protection. The study will take into account:
  1. Genetic aspects of quality of products of animal origin, including selection of  genotypes assuring fulfilment of the functional food criteria,
  2. Influence of feeding and maintenance system on modification of chemical composition and nutritive value of meat, milk and eggs with special reference to bioactive components,
  3. Relationship between selected feed additives and the level of chosen genes’ expression with production parameters and immunity status.
    1. Using of population genetics and bioinformatics methods for achieving of genetic improvement and for sustaining genetic diversity of farm animal population. The studies will focus on optimisation of national farm animal improvement programs using phenotype - genotype association data, including functional genomics data.