• 36A Postępu st.

    05-552 Magdalenka, Poland

  • sekretariat@igbzpan.pl

    tel. +48 22 736-70-00
    fax +48 22 756-16-99

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    Institute of Genetics and Animal Biotechnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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    INPEX 2016
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    Brussels Innova


General Information

Head: Jolanta Oprządek PhD DSc, j.oprzadek@ighz.pl, tel. +48 22 736-71-18

Since 1994 the Institute has run postgraduate studies in animal breeding and husbandry, molecular genetics, animal biotechnology, experimental embryology, animal behaviour,  animal production systems, quality of food of animal origin and biodiversity.

Until now 52  persons completed the studies and gained a PhD degree. In 2016  24 persons continued the PhD studies at the Institute. 

The PhD students take an active part in the scientific life of the Institute conducting their research and presenting papers at national and international conferences and meetings. The Institute offers them also scientific visits to the cooperating foreign institutions and participation in specialist national and international courses.

The candidates are accepted periodically on the basis of advertisements in press and on the Institute website.

The candidates are qualified on the basis of their output and knowledge as presented in the CV and the results of an examination passed before a recruitment commission. During the examination the knowledge of English is also tested. Foreigners are also welcome. 

The Institute offers accommodation for the period of studies. The postgraduate students are obliged to attend lectures and seminars and pass the necessary examinations and tests. Participation in an English language course is compulsory.

Persons interested in undertaking postgraduate studies should contact the Head of the Studies.